Shenanigans straight from the lives of the UK + Irish Conference In-line skate team

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Atkinson's a wee Diva

Check out USD's Joe Atkinson in the new Loco skateshop edit from their trip to the Chaz Sands invitational.
As per usual our cheeky diva shredded hard and partied harder..

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Birmingham rising

Being that it's the UK's second city, it seems only right that Birmingham would have a flourishing skate scene. Recent years has seen quite the contrary but thanks to Xsjado's Si Cox for picking up his former profession of photography it appears as if Brummie is on the rise.
It's no secret that many international tours that come to the UK make a quick unannounced stop off in Birmingham to fill their quota for clips due to a lack of productivity elsewhere. Si Cox and his vast knowledge of the city seem to present an array of standard to quirky skate spots for all to enjoy.
Si has decided to create a blog documenting the skate days that occur in Birmingham, and given the past evidence it's definitely one to follow...

Chris Farmer as seen in Kingdom magazine and 4X4 Drip Drop, location..Birmingham,

Friday, 3 June 2011

Scottish flava

Dano Gorman recently took another visit back to Scotland to session with his USD buddies Keir Lindsay and James Keyte. By the looks of the edit the trip wasn't a waste..

Congrats are due to the UK killing machine Nick Lomax who is winning every event he comes across, most recently the Ukraine and Russia...'boom ting'!

In other news, Sam Tuffnell was recently hit off a bike by a blinded minibus driver, causing him to fly into a wall and break his leg. Here's to Sam and a speedy recovery.