Shenanigans straight from the lives of the UK + Irish Conference In-line skate team

Friday, 24 August 2012

Drop The Bomb

Tech tricks, dope track and rugged spots, what more could you ask for from Keir Lindsey!
Huge props for this edit Keir, a genuine treat! Get your USD VII skates from your favourite stockists now!

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Back to speed

A whole bunch of stuff below to bring you back to speed with what's been going on with the UK conference and its buddies, just in case you don't follow our Facebook.
Richie Eisler and Jeff Stockwell have been visiting!
Nass 2012 took place and got smashed!
Blake Bird has been giving mainland Europe a run for it's money!
Neil Ingall has moved to Paris to cause trouble and start wearing garlic necklaces!
Nick Lomax has been stealing money from every event this summer!

Saturday, 2 June 2012

UK Conference monthly 2

While everyone have been doing their own projects, working, travelling to events, here is what we have on the side.
Enjoy the second instalment of the british conference skate team doing what they do best.

UK Conference on the road

Thanks to Dom and all the skaters involved whom made this trip a great one.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Learn to blade by TuffMax

So as you may have seen through a few social network sites, this summer there is going to be an inline camp where you can be taught to skate by our very own USD pro's, Nick Lomax and Sam Tuffnell!
Although Sam has been out with constant injury the past year, what with his ACL being completely gone and then being knocked off a motorbike by a minibus, rest assured, the T1000 will be back in full force!
Sam 720'ing in Glasgow during the love scotland loco tour..

Below is also a nice set up of the new Sagona thrones by our main man Ben Shelbourne, or more widely known as 'Slick', the creator of let it never end and many a Nick Lomax edit!

Thursday, 15 March 2012

March edit

Whilst the lads are all busy filming for their separate projects, here are a few stray clips pieced together. 
Thanks to everyone who sent in footage and also and for the support!
Next in line, UK Conference on the road with Dom West, keep checking back for that gem

Wednesday, 22 February 2012


So all you saw his set up photo and now after a week of having the new pulls Nick has gone and made a beast of an edit, using the frames in the best way possible...bmx tracks and airing the shit out of everything! But then a Lomax edit wouldn't be the same without some techers added into the mix too..

Kizer Frames & Nick Lomax present "Powermax!" from TheConferenceTV on Vimeo.