Shenanigans straight from the lives of the UK + Irish Conference In-line skate team

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Ladkinson hits up Sweden

So Joe was recently in Sweden doing demo's and also winning the main event that took place there alongside Tony Hawk and the Yasatoko's.
Well it seems like Joe had enough time to snatch a few clips and befriend a beautiful little Dutch bike (anyone that knows Joe would know he's been after a number like this for a quite some time, shame he only had it for a week).

Anyhow, enjoy these clips and expect some more shenanigans from the man of the moment over the next month whilst he's tearing up Scotland with team mates Keir Lindsay and James Keyte,

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

NASS 2011

So our boys hit it pretty hard this year, with Lomax re breaking his leg, Joe getting an appendicitis and the rest of the troops getting too involved in the festivities.
Anyhow, below is an edit courtesy of Ben Shelbourne of 'Let it never end' fame catching some of our conference clan in action!
Photo props to Si Cox and Jennifer Arundel

Monday, 18 July 2011

Blake Bird welcome to Slap Tap

Ally Brightwell has just dropped an edit featuring Xsjado's Blake Bird. Blake got picked up by SlapTap recently so thought he'd drop an edit to intro himself onto their heavy powered team!
Good job!

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Ladkinson does it again

It appears with Lomax out with a broken leg Joe Atkinson is trying to take over his realm of winning everythign early this summer.
Joe won the MCR riot jam last weekend and now just came first in the street spots comp. at NASS 2011. Battling through security to climb to the top of the London cityscape wall, Joe straight up beasted the gap into the flatbank sending the crowds into a frenzy. Expect an edit of yours truly alongside his UK conference buddies out ASAP.
On the downside, Joe was feeling ill Sunday night and is now in hospital having an operation to remove his appendix. Here's to a quick recovery.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Dano's first few skates in the Kelso Carbons

Dano has sent over a sick edit of the first few skates in his new Carbon Kelso's. Check it below,

Monday, 4 July 2011

Atkinson takes the MCR riot

As well as filming a whole bunch of tricks for a new edit the day before the jam around Manchester, Atkinson went and took joint first with his Eulogy compadre Julian Coulter in the MCR riot.
Rumour had it that the event was going to get shut down by Simon Cowell of X factor fame who had decided to set skate event up for a new TV show at the same venue on the same weekend, what are the bloody chances ey?
Manchester has always been a raw rugged street scene so nothing was going to stop it. Props go out to Nick Lomax, Alex Burston and Rik cheetham for setting the event up and making it a giant success, bring on the next one!

Banners courtesy of MSC OG James Tattersall

Manchester skater Jordans daughter Leila rocking the USD patch..great mascot!

Cash money Diva