As well as filming a whole bunch of tricks for a new edit the day before the jam around Manchester, Atkinson went and took joint first with his Eulogy compadre Julian Coulter in the MCR riot.
Rumour had it that the event was going to get shut down by Simon Cowell of X factor fame who had decided to set skate event up for a new TV show at the same venue on the same weekend, what are the bloody chances ey?
Manchester has always been a raw rugged street scene so nothing was going to stop it. Props go out to Nick Lomax, Alex Burston and Rik cheetham for setting the event up and making it a giant success, bring on the next one!
Banners courtesy of MSC OG James Tattersall
Manchester skater Jordans daughter Leila rocking the USD patch..great mascot!
Cash money Diva