Shenanigans straight from the lives of the UK + Irish Conference In-line skate team

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Lomax back in the game

So after Nick's summer of crutches he's finallty back in the game, currently on tour in Columbia with Richie Eisler soaking up the rays and whatever else Columbia has to offer..
Below is an edit filmed over the course of 2 days with just a few hours skating to ease the leg back into the swing of things. Also whilst filming the tricks Nick got enough photos with Adam Kola for a mini view in the new issue of Wheelscene, so be sure to grab a copy from your local skate/music shop as Nicky lad got the poster for the issue too.
Below are a few screen grabs and then 2 originals for your viewing pleasure!
All photos by Adam Kola.